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Probably built from what was learned in ''[[Droid]]''.

Revision as of 07:15, 22 July 2016

Void Raiders

Release type: Shareware
Release date: 2001
Levels: 7
Author: Robert Brandon
Registration bonus: The rest of the first episode, side-scrolling scenes, and bonus courses
Registration price: $8
Related games: Orb: The Derelict Planet


Free-roaming space shooter, borrowing heavily from Nebula, Zark, and Orb: The Derelict Planet.

Probably built from what was learned in Droid.


Exploring the boundaries of space in Void Raiders

Once, in a land far away, there was a strange occurrence. Where it came from, nobody knew, but whenever anyone touched it, he/she disappeared. Some believed that it was some mystical portal conjured up by the ancients. Others thought that it was an alien device accidentally left there. Nobody knew. It was eventually forgotten, that strange mist of swirling purple gasses, and it remained, swallowing the odd traveler here, a hiker there.



Technology had improved much since the discovery of the transporter, and the Zorbians were once again ready to take on the once forgotten menace. They constructed a fine ship, made of the best materials of Zorb, and equipped with dual ion cannons. However, the portal was quickly fading, so they strapped in the first junior pilot they could find and started the countdown.

...5...4...3...2...1... PREPARE FOR LIFTOFF!!!


Here's my story; I was walking down the sidewalk in my rider's outfit, (I was waiting for the washing machine to finish) and suddenly, a big guy's arm reaches out, grabs my arm and throws me into a nicely padded seat. As the countdown begins, I'm wondering exactly what I'm doing here. I'm also wondering if I can get back before my clothes are done. I've been using the on-line help section of the ship, and what I've been able to come up with at the moment is the movement keys, the turbo keys, (W,S,A,D) and the fire keys. (T,G,F,H) Well, I hope that they're friendly...




Arrow keys = movement

[] = Expel - Impel items into your ship

BN = Plasma bolts - if you have them

ENTER = Cloaking device activate


This game was made by Brandon Enterprises in the name of the great Emperor Zorgisang.

Actually, I was just kidding - Robert Brandon made this game.


John Brandon:

Game by my brother, looks like it borrows graphics from Nebula, Zark, and Orb. I do remember my brother spending a lot of time on this.
Looks like it is a maze style game. You can shoot at the enemies, the levels should have exits, and there is a level select screen! Don't forget to regEster! LOL
Needless to say, like all of our other games and tech demos, none of these were ever released to the public at the time, nor was a more complete/registered version ever created.


Prior to this archive's online presence, this game is not known to be publicly available.

Archive history

On January 21st 2010, Rob Brandon pseudonymously responded to a Reddit thread with a passing comment about Game-Maker. When pressed about his history with the software, he replied that all of his games were stored on a couple of defunct computers, either inaccessible or destroyed.

Over 31 months later on August 23th 2012, John Brandon commented on a YouTube clip that he had found an archive of his and his brother's old games. The next day he composed a long e-mail describing the contents of a jumbled collection of gameware files, adding up to an ostensible sixteen games. All of the games were in pieces, many of them incomplete.

Over the next five months, through regular consultation, the games were all reassembled as well as the materials would permit. The games were reconstructed or otherwise recovered on the following dates:

