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* [http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/EJRTairne/20130516/192184/Inside_the_Mind_of_Gary_Acord.php Inside the Mind of Gary Acord] (Gamasutra)
* [http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/EJRTairne/20130516/192184/Inside_the_Mind_of_Gary_Acord.php Inside the Mind of Gary Acord] (Gamasutra)
=== Listings ===
=== Listings ===

Revision as of 17:32, 15 June 2014


Release type: Shareware
Release date: 2010
Levels: 27
Author: Gary Acord
Website: Acord Games
Registration bonus: Pakmon 2 and Pakmon 3, hint sheet, secret bonus game, copies of all shareware games, membership in the Zapper Game Club
Registration price: $20
Related games: Zapak, Pakdream, Anyworld, Pac, PC-Man's World, Techno Pac-Man


This is Gary Acord's most recent game and the sequel to Pakdream, which is in turn a sequel to Zapak. It's very long.

Honestly, this isn't too bad. Gary Acord came up with a few interesting solutions for Xferplay-based Pac-Man clones, and this one has plenty of variety to it. On its own, without any of the cross-comparisons to Acord's other games, Zapak would be sort of notable in a few respects.

After finishing this game, he went back and trickled its levels and some of its other elements into all of the other games in his catalog. All of the levels here seem more or less original, and therefore would be the template for most of the Pac Man-style maze levels in most of the other Acord games.


If you like Pac-Man, Pakmon goes one step beyond.



Hey, those enemies look familiar. Pakmon.
Arrows move around.
Spacebar fires weapon.
Z jumps left. X jumps right.
A fires secondary weapon.
N, M tight squeeze left or right.
P picks up objects. B drops bombs.
F1 is help screen.
F2 is inventory/health screen.
F3 joggles sound.
F5 saves game. F6 loads game.


Acord Games


  • Most of the maps are reused in most of Acord's other games, particularly Zapak and Pakdream.


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