Difference between revisions of "The Saturn Challenge"

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[[Category: Adventure games|Saturn Challenge]]
[[Category: Adventure games|Saturn Challenge]]
[[Category: Victims of Entropy|Saturn Challenge, the]]
[[Category: Victims of Entropy|Saturn Challenge, the]]
[[Category: Canada|Saturn Challenge, the]]
[[Category: Quebec|Saturn Challenge, the]]

Revision as of 16:52, 15 June 2016

The Saturn Challenge

Release type: Unknown
Release date: ?
Levels: ?
Author: Chris Laviolette
Website: Noproblo
Related games: ?

"Over a couple years with Game-Maker, I made 5 full games and several partial ones. My first was The Saturn Challenge, which was a basic room-to-room puzzle adventure using the sample graphics."

"[It] used graphics that came with Game-Maker, including the Saturn title-screen GIF; it was just a bunch of key/door/gravity puzzle rooms."
