Release type: Incomplete
Release date: N/A (begun in November, 1994)
Levels: 1
Author: James Faux
Related games: none
Eclypse is not so much a game as a story pitch. It consists of a very slow animated introduction and a title screen, and that's it. No maps, no characters, nothing to play or do. Accompanying the intro movie is what appears to be an original composition, that simply goes by the title STORY.CMF.
Aside from high score, config, and executable files, Eclypse consists entirely of six files: two music files, two Autodesk animations, a .GIF file, and the actual .GAM file that ties these elements together.
Whether or not more was planned for Eclypse, or if the game more substantially exists in another form, is uncertain.
Despite the lack of actual game content, this project became the namesake for James Faux's design studio, Eclypse Games.
"Many superstitions grew up about eclipses, notably the one that it signaled the end of the world."
The time line of eclipses is the nearing of the end. The final eclipse is the beginning of a new era. CHAOS.
That time has come. It is 1803AD. Evil spirits are abound, and what the world progressed to be is being destroyed.
One night, a person heard a voice from the sky...
"You... YOU can stop it! Stop the final eclipse from happening...
... the ECLYPSE...
Story, concept, music, animation: OmegAkira
- Eclypse (246.4 kB)