Raiden II

From The Game-Maker Archive
Revision as of 06:43, 20 January 2016 by Aderack (talk | contribs)
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Raiden II

Release type: Incomplete
Release date: 1994
Levels: 1
Author: Alan Caudel
Related games: N/A



A tribute to Seibu Kaihatsu's long-running scrolling shooter series.


Screenshot from Raiden II
Exploring power-ups in an early version of Raiden II

There are weapon upgrades which flash yellow and blue scattered around the map. Which weapon you get depends on what color the block is when you pick it up. Yellow weapons have a wider spread range, but require repeated button pressing. Blue weapons have a more narrow range but you can down the button for automatic firing. There are three level upgrades for each weapon.

For best results, use the numerical keypad.

  • Arrow keys: Move your ship.
  • Q: Fire first level cannons.
  • W: Fire second level cannons.
  • E: Fire third level cannons.
  • B: Drop a bomb.


Game designed by Alan Caudel.


Alan Caudel:

One of the hard parts about making this game was making tanks that shoot at you, and then stop shooting once you blow them up. It required a background block that generated a "bullet" monster block, which was covered by a tank monster block.
If I remember correctly, the tank and the bullet had to be the same level or else one would kill the other upon contact. Then when the tank was destroyed, it was replaced with a "destroyed tank" monster block which was a higher level, and destroyed the bullets which kept generating from the background block underneath, so the destroyed tank would no longer fire bullets at you. This took a while to figure out how to get it working correctly, but I think the end result was good enough.
Also, I think I had a problem where if you flew over the destroyed tanks, you could still die if a bullet block generated and you touched it in the split second before the "destroyed tank" block killed the bullet. So... I had to make the destroyed tank monster blocks solid. That was kind of a hassle, because it meant the jet couldn't fly over a destroyed tank without running into it. But I sacrificed realism for playability I guess.


This game is not known to have been distributed in any form, prior to its addition to the Archive.

Archive History

There are two known versions of Raiden II, both very incomplete but one more developed than the other.

On October 20th, 2010, Alan Caudel commented on a YouTube clip of Peach the Lobster, mentioning that he had used RSD Game-Maker. On December 7th the site contacted Caudel for further comment. At that time he was uncertain if his Game-Maker material still existed.

On June 29th 2011, Adam Tyner located and passed on to Caudel a selection of his, Caudel's, and Yurik Nestoly's old games, including the simpler version of Raiden II. That version was uploaded to the archive on July 5th.

Later on July 13th, Caudel found and offered up a further selection games, including the second and more advanced version of Raiden II. After some restoration, that version of the game was uploaded to the Archive on January 28th, 2012.

