Release type: Freeware
Release date: 1996
Levels: 2
Author: Yurik Nestoly
Related games: none
Ninja is a side scroller game where you control a ninja who fights his way through a building.
Tiny characters. It's cute how, as in Kung-Fu Master, when you strike most opponents they diagonally fly off the screen.
As in Stickman!!! Die, a wide range of attacks; the stronger attacks totally obviate the weaker ones. All you need to use, really, is the laser.
It picks up when you find the shuriken. Level two is way more interesting, with the cityscape. The clipping is a bit weird, with buildings not always solid where it seems like they should be, and solid where it seems like they shouldn't. Complicates leaping from roof to roof, which otherwise would seem like a secondary path or a strategic technique.
As with navigation, combat involves no strategy to speak of. Enemies don't have particular attack patterns; they're just tossed at the player en masse, to overwhelm.
Nestoly has this thing about only attacking to the right...
- Spacebar: Slash
- A: Fire purple beam
- ,/.: Shadow jump-kick left/right
- M: Throw shuriken (with item)
- `: Upward slash (with item)
- P/D: Pick up/Drop Items
On numerical keypad:
- 7/8/9: Jump left/up/right
- 4/6: Run left/right
- 1/2/3: Creep left/down/right
Designed by Yurik Nestoly.
This game is not known to have been distributed in any form, prior to its addition to the Archive.
Archive History
After an earlier wave of rediscoveries, on July 13 2011 Alan Caudel provided another archive of previously missing Game-Maker material, including the following:
- Alan!
- Alan B-Day
- Alan '95
- Alan '96
- Bear Fun Show
- Benny
- Bone!
- CGA Hell
- Doom
- Off The Page
- DD4: Canadian Boxing Day
- Godzilla
- Jon '95
- Kozmo Kat
- The Legend of Budd
- Mr. Berkel Derkel!
- Mister Spiff IV
- Ninja
- Palladia: The Game
- Power Budd!
- Power Flux
- Robo-Wars
- Ski
- Star Avenger
- Star Avenger III
- Star Avenger 4
- Star Wars
- Stickman!!! Die
- Trees
- Twister, argh!
- What the...?!?
- Ninja (93 kB)