
From The Game-Maker Archive
Revision as of 08:28, 1 November 2010 by Aderack (talk | contribs)
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Stefan Meisse's Caves


Left = Left arrow
Right = Right arrow
Climb Up = Up arrow
Climb Down = Down arrow
Jump right = 9 (on keypad)
Jump left = 7 (on keypad)
Electro (?) = 0 (on keypad)
Head bang = Z and X
Shoot = Spacebar (note: shoots in the direction you last moved)


Hi, this is Justin Meisse, the bassist to the Garage Rats. Every work of art needs a forward by someone in the biz. Since we couldn't find anyone, I was chosen. It is rare indeed to come across a jewel like Stefan Meisse's 1994 classic, Caves. No game has found an appropriate use of the phrase "King Crap", or the menace of a killer pickle monster until the release of Caves. The gaming industry was rocked, Stefan bought a Ferrari, and all was quiet.

All good things are imitated, and Caves was no exception. Many spin-offs appeared in the next 5 years: Doom, Quake, Unreal, the Final Fantasy series, and the Batman movies. 5 years later, this classic is re-released for the public to witness the roots of all video games. Enjoy!

-Justin Meisse
