QiQ: Please Peace

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QiQ: Please Peace

Release type: Freeware
Release date: 1998
Levels: 1
Author: Erwin Bergervoet
Website: GamesLab Productions
Related games: Octolris

As with Octolris, QiQ is a brightly hued game about a springy red creature who can climb up and down webbing. Whenever he leaps, he shouts “Boing!”; at every opportunity he squeals in a high-pitched voice. Also as in Octolris, there are few other moves. You make precise jumps, you climb up and down, and you try to avoid injury. The character also can roll, which allows for more precise movement than the short hops afforded by the arrow keys.

QiQ is a decent enough game. The level design is pretty elaborate and well-constructed. The overall presentation is genial. Aside from the weird movement, the game's only real problem is that its difficulty balance is way too high. Until the player masters the controls, the simplest of barriers can become a huge frustration.

The game includes an extra, unused level that seems to have been used for testing the character's mechanics.


Hanging around in QiQ

What's happened to QiQ? Why is everything so very green? Why is everyone out to kill QiQ? Find the answers below!


QiQ is an alien, who only has a strange job, he is planet-saver. He works for a sort of god. God tells him what to he has to do. This time he has something strange to do, he has to save the world.

There are so many CFKs and other unpretty things in the air, that almost nobody will survive. QiQ has to talk with the citizens of earth, about what to do.

But when he comes there, the people don't wanted him. They are very very angry to him. But he has something to do, and to finish it! Now it's your turn.


Level 1 of QiQ
Left arrow : Poing left
Right arrow : Poing right
Up Arrow : Jump up
Down Arrow : Go down fence (NOT stairs)
1 End : Roll right
2 Pg Dn : Roll left
7 Home : Jump up-right
9 Pg Up : Jump up-left

Extra Key Commands[edit]

C = Climb up fences or stairs
F1 = Instructions
F2 = Status Info
F5 = Save Game
F6 = Load Game
F10= About Game Maker
F8 = there comes the calibration, but the game doesn't have joystick support. It is to difficult to make a good Joystick support.


AN Erwin Bergervoet Production

(C) 1998 Multigames

Sounds by X-Sound

Special thanks to: [Azurelore Korrigan]


This game is known to have been distributed on local bulletin boards, contemporary to its development. Any other distribution is unknown.

Archive History[edit]

In ~1998, the author made contact by email to share his recent games (PC-Man's World and QiQ) and solicit comments. Both games have been retained since this time.


Interviews / Articles[edit]


Misc. Links[edit]
