Category:Terry Chatman

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Ballie D. Plumber

In 1994, a fellow from Vallejo named Terry Chatman, otherwise known variously as C.H., Viper, watashiwa81, and Sodaboy581, decided to grab everything in sight and make it his own — and then, at the last minute, to give it just enough of a bewildering spin to make it memorable. And hey, to some extent that is the creative process in a nutshell.

His first port of call, understandably enough, is Gregory Stone’s Nebula.

Registration information[edit]

P.O. Box 496389
Vallejo, CA 94589


Viper Gamez
1660 Gateway Dr.
Vallejo, CA


Interviews / Articles[edit]

Pages in category "Terry Chatman"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Terry Chatman"

The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.