Really dug the characterization of Jane in the recent Disney incarnation of Tarzan. Actually, the whole thing was surprisingly well-handled, with the only strong gripe, allowances made for the traditional sigh-enduing Disney touches, being the segment from about five minutes into the film (once baby Tarzan is found and picked up by his ape mother) until Tarzan is an adult. That whole bit of the movie — about fifteen or twenty minutes’ worth — could have been completely excised, to no detriment (rather, to an improvement). Like that they kept the Weissmuller yodel (though it’d be near-impossible to not do so by this point). No “Oongawah”s, however.
I’m certainly no expert on the character or on Edgar Rice Burroughs in general, but wasn’t Tarzan supposed to actually be somewhat of an English gentleman (contrary to his depiction in the old JW films)?
I don’t mean to go out on a limb here — ahem — but I’d say that Disney is starting to come back, somewhat, in the cartoon department. After the first four of their “new” movies there was a deep lull. Mulan seemed to be a turning point of sorts, and Tarzan appears to be following its lead. Both strike quite a bit from the established and annoying formula. The “experimental” films made between Lion King and now have apparently paid off in a sense.