Fixing the hole where the ghosts come in

  • Reading time:3 mins read

I’ve moved the stereo cabinet upstairs now, and it seems to fit the hole in my wall decorations (which I had put up around the stack of boxes) quite well. I was wondering at first what happened to the glass door which should be on the front of the cabinet — and then it hit me. This is that stereo cabinet.

I could have sworn I wrote a short piece on the thing a few years ago, but I can’t find it to link to. Ah well. Never mind — it just has to do with poltergeists and glass-based explosions. Nothing worth getting into here.

The transportation of my consoles to the cabinet went quite neatly. Though I wasn’t knowing initially what to do with the cords and controllers, I found that winding them up and tying them neatly with twist-ties is the best solution. If I want to get one of the consoles out, I just have to pick it up and grab the right cables and pads/sticks from directly next to it. Of course in an ideal situation these would all be permanently wired up to a decent TV — but I’m not in an ideal situation, so neat and respectful storage is the best I can do for the moment.

Having this cabinet here also gives me an object against which to neatly stack my game magazines (which had taken to sprawling all over my room wherever they saw fit). My issues of ODCM (a complete run, sans issue #1 — and I almost got it at the time! Stupid me!) are on the bottom shelf, next to my poor old SMS.

Lacking space on my shelves still, I put my stack of Saturn games on top of the cabinet, accompanied by my “overflow” Dreamcast case, containing such things as the original Planetweb browser, the Space Channel 5 sampler, various burned utility discs, and so forth. Non-game material, which I only tap into on occasion.

Now that my desk and a large part of my floor are freed, I will be able to further organize things the next time I get a burst of energy. My printer can come off of the floor and go on the desk. My computer books can go back on the floor under the desk, where they belong. I also moved one of the shelves on one of my bookcases down a couple of notches; I had a couple of NES games which were drifting around without a place to rest, and doing this has not only made room for them along with the other games but has allowed me to put my game genie, book, and NES cleaner back with the rest of the cartridges.

Very slowly, things are shaping up around here. Of course I will be leaving here for school in a matter of days — so I’m not sure why I’m putting so much effort into things. I suppose if what I am doing were actually useful, however, I’d never get around to doing it.

Ah me.

Oh goodness!

  • Reading time:1 mins read

I am no longer the #1 Space Harrier player in the state of Maine! Since I last looked at the records, I’ve been shoved all the way down to #2!

The horror! The shame!

… I’m hungry.