I have an orange.
I got my first issue of Game Developers magazine today. I’ve not really leafed through it in much detail, although I notice an ad for those new Nokia phones that Sega’s planning to support. Actually, there seems to be a pretty big focus on cell phones in this issue. And Lara Croft. Hrm. Tetsuya Mizuguchi appears in a few places with his frosted hair. The cover story is on facial animation and… what appears to be some PC strategy game with which I’m not really familiar.
Also included with this issue was a brochure for the upcoming Game Developers Conference in March. Guh, it’s that soon?
I dreamed in completely non-fluent Japanese, last night. I think I was on a train the whole time.
… I seem to be unusually sensitized right now. Everything feels and sounds and looks about five hundred percent stronger than it should. I hope this calms down, soon. It’s… not very comfortable.
End of report.
Edit: The editor-in-chief of this magazine is female!