I will gobble you up… pretty boy!

  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yeah, that was a pretty big improvement on The Unquiet Dead. I’m not sure why everyone got his and her face back at the end. There wasn’t even a line in there, that I heard, to justify it. (Why are their faces taken anyway? And how do they breathe? You just need a sentence!)

Sort of a weird episode, with the social commentary. Mix of nostalgic nationalism and commentary on the unfortunate social concepts of the time. The whole “faceless drone” thing as a result of television seems… pretty intentional. In a Twilight Zone sense. TV aerials looking like swastikas and all. Neither glorifying nor damning the period. Just.. noticing.

I think it’s intended that the kid might be gay, though it’s… not made clear, since I guess it’s not important.

The Father’s another sorta Roald Dahl adult.

The Tenth Doctor does have a sensitive tongue, doesn’t he.

Too bad they didn’t work in that Logopolis reference. It could have been shortened: “It’s nothing… I just have this thing about broadcast towers.” Then he shakes it off, and continues. It could have worked. Needn’t have been distracting.

I also thought it went by a little too quickly, much like — say — Tooth & Claw and The Christmas Invasion. It’s written to the format more well than last year’s, though. The tone and internal pacing, in particular, were much, much more well-composed. It’s a fun piece, with little except that weird plot point against it. Certainly better than most of the series two episodes, so far. I’m looking forward to the next Gatiss episode.

As for the production: as much as I love The Third Man, I find myself agreeing with some people that the camera here could have used a carpenter’s level in a few scenes. There are times to get all impressionistic; there are times when it’s just distracting. It’s a pretty minor quibble, though. Most of the artsiness was put to practical effect.

So. After Girl in the Fireplace and School Reunion, I’d say this is probably the strongest episode of series two. That says more about the other episodes this year than it does about Idiot’s Lantern. Still, there we are. The Twilight Zone factor and the handsome direction are the big plusses here.

This Week’s Releases (May 22-26, 2006)

  • Reading time:9 mins read

by [name redacted]

Episode forty-one of my ongoing, irreverent news column; originally posted at Next Generation

Game of the Week:

Steambot Chronicles
PlayStation 2

You have likely read, if you like to read, of a game called Bumpy Trot; this site in particular, in the hands of Japan columnist William Rogers, has taken every possible opportunity to name-check the game – resulting in a blurb on the its Atlus USA site. Here’s where I remind you of its Western name – the Haruki Murakami-esque Steambot Chronicles – and mention that it really is nifty, for what it is. For a more elaborate description you can turn to NextGen’s “Ten Best Games in Japan” column for last year; for here, suffice that it’s sort of like a Zelda game done right, thrown into a post-GTA sandbox, and produced on a shoestring budget by a sincere bunch of underdogs who aren’t used to making this kind of game. So it’s a little wonky, and a little glitchy, and it doesn’t know what it’s not supposed to do, which results in as many weird decisions as inspired ones. It’s not really made for prime time, and yet it’s got so much heart and it’s got such good ideas that it’s got the workings for a real sleeper hit. Give it some hype and some word-of-mouth, and this game will surpass expectations.

Atlus has done a pretty good job on the localization; the voices are… solid enough, and the writing is appropriately stark. Though something tells me the game might have made more of an impression with its original Japanese name, the new one maybe fits the game a little better. This is only one of maybe a half-dozen impressive new acquisitions Atlus USA had to show at E3; if Atlus can just get the word out the way it did with Trauma Center, this could be one of the company’s best years yet.

we muzzzzzt surviiiive..

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, that was a decent end to a blah beginning. I like it that this episode was mostly visual: all action and framing and memorable scenes, in place of the lamentable dialog and plotting of last week. Everything seems to play to the strengths of the writer and director at hand. It could almost be a silent movie — which is appropriate, I figure, to a Cyberman episode.

By a similar stretch: I just realized why Tennant reminds me so of Troughton in this episode. Well, the writing and performance do a lot of it. Just a important, though, is the outfit: black suit, light shirt, bow tie. Versus Cybermen, of all things. So again, yeah — appropriate. Troughton performance. Almost a silent horror movie. Some imagery to rival Tomb. This half of the story is one of the few effective Cyberman appearances in the history of the series. Too bad the build-up was so boring.

Still not as captivating as the best of the new series. It’s solid, though. Classic, in mostly a good way — whereas last week was classic in mostly a bad one.

This Week’s Releases (May 15-19, 2006)

  • Reading time:5 mins read

by [name redacted]

Episode forty of my ongoing, irreverent news column; originally posted at Next Generation

Game of the Week:

New Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo DS

Out of all the pre-release devisiveness, in my experience New SMB takes the ribbon. Every time the game’s brought up, the Internet melts just a little. There’s no pleasing anybody! Maybe that has something to do with the game’s own conflicts: it wants to both revisit the style of Super Marios 1 and 3 for the NES and to “update” it with all the advances since Super Mario World. It wants to both play on nostalgia and to attract all the new and disillusioned eyes who have gravitated toward the DS. It wants to both be the successor to the Super Mario Bros. mantle and to come off as something altogether new.

So what we’ve got is a forward-pressing 2D platformer (as with the NES games) that calls upon the moves introduced in Super Mario 64 to help Mario more precisely explore a 3D world, flashy gimmicks introduced in Smash Bros. as a kind of a joke, and a whole lot of silly scripted events and mechanic-wanking intended to impress the pants off of anyone who thinks he knows how Super Mario Bros. works. And yet, it’s kind of fun. Maybe it’s a little too concerned with the past instead of with doing its own thing – and maybe it’s too concerned with making the past appealing to people who weren’t there at the time – yet maybe the gamers are a little too concerned about Mario.

In its overkill, its mix of old and new, the game clearly isn’t taking itself very seriously. The game gives off an air of exuberance; it knows it’s just screwing around, and it doesn’t care. Within those constraints, New SMB is pretty neat. The past has had its time; if you’re going to bring it up again, you’d better either take it somewhere new and inspirational or have shameless fun with what’s there. Ikaruga and Jonathan Blow’s Braid do the former; New SMB does the latter. Fair enough.

Girl in the Fireplace

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Well. That… certainly broke the template. There always was the potential to do something like this with the schow, and in forty-some years they never did. This is kind of like a revelation.

So this is what you can do with a time travel story.

It’s like… a Treasure game, the way it’s using the series concept. It’s like this is what the show’s format has been meant for all along, and it just hasn’t happened until now.

I like also how all the writers seem to be fighting to inject new, random bits of continuity and “mythology”. Christmas, you get the hand. Here, you get the Doctor turning his “mind meld” powers on a human. Then you get all the business about “Doctor” just being a title, like “Madame de Pompadour”, and it hiding something dark and secret.

We’ve been getting the “Doctor Who?” jokes since last March, and all through the new series the Doctor keeps dodging the question of who he is. This is the first time some real importance has been tied to the question, though. That the audience has been given the cue: “That’s a good point. Who is he, anyway? What’s his deal?” It all goes back to the beginning. One of the big, important unresolved issues that kind of got forgotten after 1969 or so.

Curious thing is, all through the ’80s and ’90s there was an attempt to bring the question back up again. John Nathan-Turner, the producer during the ’80s, addressed it by putting question marks all over the Doctor’s clothes. (“‘Doctor WHO’ — get it?!”) Then Andrew Cartmel, the script editor during the final couple of seasons, had this plan for suggesting that all we knew was wrong, and that the Doctor was way more than we’d ever imagined. That plan ended when the show ended, though the novels and stuff all through the ’90s took it in some seriously strange directions.

This isn’t clothes-deep, though. And it isn’t attempting to rewrite history. It’s just bringing attention back to the realization that we really don’t know who this guy is, outside of what we’ve witnessed. We don’t know what’s driving him or why. Though it seems we know a lot, it’s all just details. He’s a Time Lord. He’s been wandering for nine hundred years, basically on his own, separated from his own kind. Somewhere over the last couple hundred years, all the other Time Lords died out. Though to an extent it doesn’t make that much of a difference, as he was always alone anyway. At first he was hiding from his own kind; now he’s just… used to hiding. He even hides that he is hiding, with all of his adventures and attempts to do right by throwing himself in without a thought of caution, and the parade of assistants he’s enlisted. Then he always just moves on. Never bothers tidying up. Goes back into hiding, in his little box, outside the universe.

* * *

I think the best line — well, exchange — in this was between the Doctor and MdP:

“This is my lover, the King of France.”
“Yeah? Well, I’m the Lord of Time — and I’m here to fix the clock.”

Somehow, framing the story so you can also see him as sort of a fairy tale character from Madame de Pompadour’s perspective, and so you can see the weird logistics that fall into space then — well. Cripes.

I mean, it makes sense. For her and everyone there, he’s like a sprite or gnome, who keeps popping in and out of the world. And it just so happens that he’s the lord of time. So of course he’d be there to repair the clock. And of course the menace would be made of clockwork. That’s the only way it would make sense, his being there. And of course the only time he does appear is when the clockwork droids do — when the clock needs fixing. And of course they’re no real menace, because he’ll always be there, like the tooth fairy.

Somehow all that business is solidified in one brief exchange. He becomes a myth. A small, personal myth.

And in a sense, he’s not much more to us — even though he’s (effectively) been there through our whole lives. Forty-three years, actually. (Hmm.) On a practical level, he’s no less a mystery.

Moving On

  • Reading time:2 mins read

Another thing that annoyed me about Rose was that she thought she was the first person to travel with the Doctor and the only person on Earth to know about alien life. She didn’t even think to ask whether she was or not! Rose must really rate herself.

It’s just denial. She hasn’t thought about it, at least in part because she’s chosen not to. It hasn’t been brought up, and she’s seen no reason to go into it — probably because she knows what the answer will be. If she doesn’t ask, she can pretend all she likes. It’s a part of being infatuated.

She admits out loud that she knew somewhere in her mind that there had to be someone else before her; it just wasn’t important enough to bring up. What teed her off so much here was being confronted with the situation she’d been avoiding so long (even after the Doctor went into his history with “dancing”), and then the math that came as a result.

“So… okay, here’s your old Companion. That’s… interesting. Wait, though. Why haven’t you said anything about her? What does that say about her? What does that say about you? What does that say about me?”

Basically, she’s being forced to deal with issues she’s been putting off, hoping she’ll never be faced with. That’ll annoy anyone, as it forces you to completely change your head. To open up to imperfection, to compromise. It takes away all the luster. Once you do that, there’s no going back. All you’ve got is reality — which is exactly what Rose has been trying to escape, this whole time.

This is probably one of the first big seeds sown for her leaving the series. Once she manages to get past all of this, she’ll be in more of a position to appreciate all the other things in her life — Mickey, her mum, even the simple inanities of twenty-first century London.

This Fortnight’s Releases (May 1-12, 2006)

  • Reading time:8 mins read

by [name redacted]

Weeks thirty-eight-and-nine of my ongoing, irreverent news column; originally posted at Next Generation

Game of Early May:

SiN Episodes: Emergence – Episode 1

It’s kind of weird; back in mid-1998, everyone was waiting for SiN – then the very day it arrived, Half-Life sprang out of nowhere, and took all the attention. That didn’t stop SiN from becoming a cult hit; it’s just hard to escape such a poor case of timing. Over the past eight years, the game has built up a reputation as perhaps the pinnacle of the old “Duke Nukem“-style FPS, before Half-Life changed everything. Traditional genre fans, who just like to charge forward and shoot stuff, have been waiting a long time for a sequel – and here it comes, via the Half-Life 2 engine, via Steam, and via the episodic template that Valve has set out.

This first episode brings back all the major characters from the 1998 original, to do much the same business as before: run forward and shoot. The difference is in the method; aside from the obvious enhancements in physics and envionmental interaction allowed by the Source engine (and the consequences thereof), the game now automatically adjusts itself to the player’s skill level and playing tendencies. If you get good at head shots, apparently, enemies might start wearing helmets. According to Ritual, the game will take experts about as long as new players to play through.

Emergence, being only one of at least nine planned episodes, will only last about six to eight hours; on the other hand, it only costs about eighteen bucks. Something tells me this episodic download thing is going to take off. It’s almost like a revised take on the early-’90s Shareware scene. The difference with shareware was that people got a whole episode for free, then typically had to pay full price for another several episodes. Now you pay pocket cash up-front for each episode. Same thing; just reorganized for efficiency on both ends. Tie in Steam, and you’ve even got the return of online distribution. It’s obvious, in retrospect.

Now if only we’d come up with this ten years ago – if we’d just adapted and kept up with the Internet – just imagine where the PC development scene would be today.