Comp copies — what a revelation

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Hey, a couple of the games I’ve worked on are out now.

Lost Empire is a grandiose space strategy thing. I rewrote most of the game text and the manual on a short timescale.
Penumbra is a… I’m not sure. I haven’t played it. Some kind of first-person Lovecraftian survival horror thing. I rewrote the manual, and I think some of the game text. Hard to remember everything I do; this was months ago.

Though I have no comment on the games themselves, I rather like their packaging. Nice, big no-nonsense logos. Understated cover art.

To note, there’s a silly typo on the back of the Lost Empires box. That’s not my fault; they didn’t run that text past me.

EDIT: Speaking of typos… I feel I must have rewritten the text in that Lost Empire trailer, yet those punctuation errors can’t be my own. So I’m not sure what’s going on there. Maybe they used an earlier draft? Maybe I never touched that after all?