Tedium at the Core

  • Reading time:1 mins read

How many Doctor Who stories have at the heart of them a Problem Bureaucracy? I’m talking about a horrible central power, usually run by a paranoid and irrational old man who won’t listen to anyone, that serves mostly to string out the story’s run time or give it a reason to exist at all, by creating unnecessary and often unnatural conflict?

Often in these scenarios, everyone else in the story’s world seems more or less reasonable; it’s just this one bad apple, with a few of his puppets, who causes all the problems that allow the story to wheeze along.


  • Reading time:1 mins read

Humor is a product of ransacking the obvious in search of something less tedious.


  • Reading time:1 mins read

Well, the best-laid plans are the first to go bottoms-up. I find it most prudent to approach life from a vantage of abject befuddlement.

Passed Over

  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve spent months, off and on, searching for my passport. I’ve rent my apartment asunder. Today I found it. My passport was, and is, at eye level, thirty degrees from center, in front of the chair where I now sit. Two feet away from my face. Alone, obscured by nothing.

Well. Okay, then.

Eighth note appetite

  • Reading time:1 mins read

My toaster oven is clicking in precise time with this Queen song. Headlong into toasted cheese!

A Salivary Salieri

  • Reading time:1 mins read

I think one of my unlisted super powers is precognition toward which bozos are going to eat with their mouths open.

Yeah, that guy — I had him pegged the moment he started to talk.