“Is this really going to work?”
Keep in mind, Sapphire isn’t fused here. So she’s only able to see one future probability. It’s Ruby’s spontaneity that gives Garnet the ability to churn through multiple branching points and pick the one she wants to follow.

Amethyst’s revisitation of the Jasper masquerade feels significant, thematically. Not sure how, yet. Even uses the same Ruby ship to do it.

Worth noting though, that this is Michaela Dietz’s chance to go nuts with slightly different readings for the Famethyst, much as Charlyne Yi has done with the Ruby squad. I think Estelle is the only major or recurring Gem actor not to voice multiple characters at this point? (“This point” being 2019; not midway through season 4. We don’t get another Sapphire variant for a while yet. And I guess we technically have a couple episodes before we meet another Jasper. Squaridot is exclusive to the game, but that’s deuterocanonical.) (Okay, we also have only met the one Lapis, and Bismuth.)
So, curious thing. Amethysts and Jaspers are Quartz soldiers, just like Rose. Accordingly, they all look similar aside from coloration and a minor details like hair texture. Agates are also Quartzes, though, and Holly Blue sure as heck does look different. Similar build, but.