Guy in distance: [incomprehensible shouting]
I: [tune it out]
Guy, closer: [more shouting]
I: [ignore it]
Guy, scampering toward me: “Miss! Miss!”
I, turning reluctantly: “Pardon me?”
Guy: “You’re just my size! I said, you’re just my size!”
I: [dumb stare]
Guy: [peers closely] “Whoop!” [turns robotically and walks away]
Later, on my way back, two different cars began to honk energetically, accompanied by more shouting, as I passed.
I guess it’s starting.
It was broad daylight. The first guy at least seemed amiable enough, if… a poor judge of how to communicate with people. I was too baffled to feel threatened or anything. But yeah, I guess I knew this was likely to become a thing eventually.
So. Here’s a new annoyance, then.
Today, this was just stupid. But if this is going to be how things go now, I guess I should start to be more careful.
All hail the monkey’s paw.
(Incidentally, this is not what I was feeling a few days ago. This is not the charming part. This is not what I find attractive.)