Kloonigames Cuts It Out
You probably know Kloonigames from Crayon Physics. So hey, here’s a pseudo-sequel called Cut It. As with the original Crayon Physics, and indeed most of Petri Purho’s games, Cut It is brief, simple, a bit tenuous-feeling. It’s more a rough idea of a game than a complete and polished project. Then again, that’s the idea behind Kloonigames.
At least once a month, Purho makes a new game. Every game takes seven days to make. He’s been doing this for a while now, and has built up a large and varied back catalog. The point isn’t polish; it’s to throw new ideas at the wall and see what patterns they make. Sometimes, as with Crayon Physics or Sticky Notes Shooter, they’re remarkably inventive. Other times, as with The Truth About Game Development or Grammar Nazi, it’s more chin-stroke fare.
Rough as it may be, Cut It fits in the first category.