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Revision as of 12:28, 6 October 2010 by Aderack (talk | contribs) (→‎Links)
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Release type: Freeware
Release date: ?
Levels: ?
Author: PPP Team
Related games: ?

Biokid is maybe the most representative PPP game. It’s an action platformer inspired by Mega Man, sporting an understated yet typical example of PPP’s shareware/Commodore-influenced level design. Since most of the levels use the same fairly monochrome tile set and small collection of enemies (each with its own carefully mapped behaviors), it may be easier to abstract and predict the thought processes behind the design — where corridors lead, and why; where to find false walls and booby traps.

The controls are also representative. Most of PPP’s games are designed to be played more or less one-handed; the action keys are all oriented around the directionals in the numerical keypad. Slash shoots left; minus shoots right; asterisk shoots up. It takes a while to adjust to, especially the moving and shooting at once, but Biokid is probably the best game to train on before moving on to more complicated projects.

The Mega Man influence extends only to some vague elements of the character and enemy design — nothing that screams out. Well, that and the title. Generally Biokid stands on its own as a well-animated, well-designed, if rather short, action game.


PPP Team's Biokid



