All Quiet
Release type: Freeware
Release date: August 15, 1994
Levels: 1
Author: Matt Bell
Website: A Most Stupendous & Audacious Undertaking
Related games: none
Assigned a book report on Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, Matt Bell asked, and was granted, special permission to instead adapt the book into a videogame. As it happens, the game fails to capture much beyond a basic WWI setting. Still, hey, nice way to sidestep the curriculum.
The player starts off in a trench; within moments, mustard gas starts to pour out of a canister, forcing the player "over the top". as he works his way across the battlefield, the player will encounter barbed wire, mortars, more gas, and machine gun fire that seems to follow the player around like angry bees. The player’s only defense is a single-shot rifle, and it’s not really enough to get far.
The game is merciless and kind of twitchy to play. If it does express one property of the original novel, that would be a certain futility.
You have fought for a whole year on the Western Front. In that year, you haven't seen even one green plant. You are extremely depressed.
A field psychologist has diagnosed you with grunactruava, a mental disorder caused by a lack of green things.
There are rumors of fields of grass behind enemy lines. You decide to risk shell fire to get to the plants.
Good luck.
The four arrow keys move the character
Space Bar shoots bullets
The canisters in the trenches with the puffs of smoke coming out are gas shells
The enemy troops are the ones with brown uniforms
Created in its entirety by Matt Bell
Prior to this archive's online presence, this game is not known to be publicly available.
Archive history
All Quiet was obtained through a correspondence and disk exchange with its author, and retained as part of the archive from August, 1994.
Interviews / Articles
Misc. Links
- All Quiet (172.5 kB)
- Battlefield map (262.4 kB)