RPG Test
Release type: Incomplete
Release date: N/A (Begun 1997)
Levels: 1
Author: Roger Levy
Website: rogerlevy.net
Related games: Houses
In Roger Levy's collection of surviving material are one incomplete and damaged, yet reasonably developed, platformer; a very appealing and original sketch of another platformer; a single-screen special effects demo; and this, a brief experiment with 3/4 top-down perspective, RPG-style tiling patterns.
Of the four games this is the least developed -- less so even than Fireworks, which although barely playable features all original elements and toys with a new concept. RPG Test is less a concept demo than a perfunctory test-run for an incomplete tile set. That said, it is a fairly attractive tile set.
Without speculating too much as to what might have been, Levy's use of the available tools shows good potential. Although his Link to the Past-style trees suffer a bit from the lack of an ability to foreground some background elements, allowing the character to pass partially behind them and thereby selling the angled perspective, the water pit is very nicely drawn and an inspiration for further development.
One sort of wants to take this block set, build on and adjust it, and create all-new maps to explore. Maybe with a different character, though. No offence, Biker guy; you'd best stick to the neighborhood you know.
Arrow keys: Move the character in those directions.
Game designed by Roger Levy.
Archive history[edit]
In December 2011 a passing reference to Game-Maker in the TIGSource forums led to direct communication with Levy. On December 30th he provided the sum of his surviving Game-Maker work, which was then added to the archive.
Prior to this archive's online presence, this game is not known to be publicly available.
- RPG Test (79.5 kB)