Woman Warrior and the Attack from Below

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Woman Warrior and
the Attack from Below

Release type: Demo game
Release date: August 7, 1994
Levels: 6
Author: Sheldon Chase
Related games: Woman Warrior and the Outer Limits, Houses

Although this sequel to The Outer Limits is not quite as sophisticated as its predecessor, it presents a few twists on Chase's calling cards. This time the multi-block monsters are enormous robots that stomp across the countryside. The solution almost calls to mind a traditional PC-style graphical adventure, in that (spoilers ahead) your goal is to steal one of the antagonists' firearms out of her hands, and then turn it on her robot master.


As with its predecessor the level design is simple at best and baffling at worst. Furthermore, the control scheme could use some work. Why does the protagonist walk so slowly, and why are her "walk at normal speed" keys so arbitrarily assigned? Yet the point is not so much in the design and the content as it is in the ideas at show here. Between this game and its predecessor, there's a bunch of raw conceptual data for an aspiring Game-Maker user to chew over.

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Outer Limits Attack from Below (Overview)
Woman Warrior series


Woman Warrior and the Attack from Below, by Sheldon Chase

You were having a peaceful lunch one afternoon when all of a sudden you hear screams! You look up and robots are chasing your friends. You are able to escape but your friends are now under the control of the robots. You must kill the robots to save your friends.


Numeric keypad moves the character in 4 directions.

The "[" & "]" keys make her move faster to the left or right.

"z" & "x" faster up & down.

Hit F9 to calibrate the joystick and then F8 to turn the joystick on.


Designed by Sheldon Chase.



This game is distributed as gameware with Game-Maker 3.0.

Archive history

The Woman Warrior games were introduced to the archive with the upgrade to Game-Maker 3.0 in late 1994.



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