
  • Post last modified:Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Huh — Sally, Bunnie, and Rotor make cameo appearances in Sonic Spinball, in two of the three bonus stages. This is odd, as I was under the assumption that these characters didn’t exist in Sega’s personal view of the Sonic universe. Of course, looking at the credits, Spinball appears to have been an american production — probably why it’s as crummy as it is. The game was also produced at about the time Dic’s Sonic cartoon (the decent one) was running on ABC.

I guess, in light of these factors, the cameos make a bit more sense. Still, it was more than a bit unexpected.

One might note that Sally appears much closer to her early comic incarnation, actually, from before the ABC show was even aired; black hair and light maroonish (or as close as the round’s palette will allow) fur — this is in contrast with her later red-headed, brown-furred look. I’m not quite sure what this means, but there it is.

Kind of miss the cartoon; it was quite well-written, acted, and animated. The comic, from the dozen or so issues at which I’ve glanced over the past few years, is written by and for five-year-olds. A pity.