5.06 – The Vampires of Venice

  • Post last modified:Saturday, May 8th, 2010
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Yes, well that was about what I expected on the basis of “School Reunion”: some fun, if vapid, character stuff and dialog; a completely nonsensical story; and a curious union of long, boring dialog scenes and rushed plotting. The centerpiece standoff between the Doctor and key foe is almost exactly like the pool scene from “School Reunion”. It’s also interesting that the most profound character observation was quoted almost verbatim from that earlier episode.

Anyway. Matt Smith is doing well as ever, though maybe not guided as well here as in the Adam Smith episodes (1, 4, and 5). He makes the most out of some absurd situations, and generally makes the show worthwhile on his own. Rory is going to be pretty good — we’re verging into 1960s companion territory now, between him and his fiancée. I also like that, in the abstract, he sort of understands what’s going on with the Doctor.

I am intrigued with next week’s episode. I like that it looks to be breaking the mold a bit, the way the show stopped doing after about 1970. Back in the ’60s, before the show was completely codified, there was stuff like The Mind Robber and Planet of Giants and The Celestial Toymaker. I’m excited at the idea that the format is starting to loosen up a bit.

Offhand this also brings to mind “Father’s Day”, a little. Toward the end of Davies’ era, I recall commenting a few times that I didn’t see a story like Father’s Day being done again, the way the show had developed since 2005. And yet here we are again, Matt Smith’s reminding me of Eccleston’s first (and only) series.

I notice I’ve barely talked, or thought, about today’s episode. Well, yeah. I guess it’s not very remarkable. In the most literal sense. New Who by numbers. Nothing special about it, though (as the template decrees) several nice things. Might as well be a Gareth Roberts episode.