Ballie D. Plumber Episode 1: Ballie in D. Pipes

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Ballie D. Plumber Episode 1:
Ballie in D. Pipes

Release type: Shareware
Release date: 1994
Levels: 6 (in demo version)
Author: Terry Chatman
Registration bonus: Two further episodes
Registration price: $5
Registration bonus: 15 more levels
Related games: Nebula, Pipemare, Octolris, Sign of the Hedgehog

About six months after Shorty, Terry Chatman has switched pen names and has raised his ambitions. Although he’s still using the Nebula tile set, he has designed four to six original maps (depending on how you count). If you spend the five dollars to register, the game promises two further episodes filled with lava levels, space levels, and even more.

For the enemies, Chatman borrowed sprites from a couple of A-J Games projects; Dark Octopi are the protagonist from Octolris, and Underlings are monks from the stonehenge stage of Sign of the Hedgehog.


The protagonist, a small, unshaded blue sphere with a face, is wholly new. Yet to balance that originality, the story and premise are uncannily similar to RSD’s Pipemare. Between the two, the biggest difference is an antagonist with some puzzling innuendo.

Overall Ballie comes off like a side-scrolling Pac-Man by way of Eugene Jarvis and informed by a bad porn movie. It lacks the mind-melting charm of Shortie Da Pimp, but it does show creative growth for our young friend.


Familiar territory in Ballie D. Plumber

As the Plumber of the Story it SEEMS That one day you have got a call from a girl about some infestation in someones pipes.

You go down to the house address she gave you.

Armed with Wit, a Real ROUND Body, and laser eyes you prepare to venture down into the deadly depths of the plumbing pipes to check on the problem...

not only to your avail That you suddenly find out that this is NO PIPE DREAM!!

Down There is volcanic lava, spikes octopi, underlings and it seems they have MADE A LAIR DOWN HERE! You decide to back away but your conscience beckons you..

"Hey Ballie, if you rid this house of these baddes you'll be FAMOUS! You'll have wealth!"
"Yah i might have all that but i won't have a life when i'm done!"
Level 1 in Ballie
"Aw Come on ballie, you're so small a fly couldn't even see you.."
"Hmm i guess your right.. with my firm body i could easily slip into there take out the baddes and be gone!"
"Yeah that's what i was saying ballie, Listen here you -----"

Suddenly the Lady who called steps in the room..

"ARIGHT LADY I'M GOING IN!, Geez hold your horses.."
Level 2 in Ballie
"Later, Lady.."
"C-Ya Ballie, Oh did i ever tell you who i was?"
"No... Who are you?!?!?!!?!"

The Lady Takes off her mask Revealing a real demonic face.. so DEMONIC we can't bear to show you it unless you register!

"I'm Dr. Flame! Remember Me?"

Suddenly it all comes back to Ballie...

He gave Dr. Flame a taste of his own medicine 2 years ago.. When he tried to conquer earth.

"Yes, Ballie.."

You wonder if he'll try to conquer earth again.. but your in his path.. FAT CHANCE!

"Ballie.. i'm going to get rid of you.. once and for all!!!!!"
"Oh But you can't!"

Dr. Flame Shoves Ballie into the pipes and bolts the Lock Shut.. your on your own from here Ballie!

You Think a minute.. with me down here.. HE HAS A GOOD CHANCE OF CONQUERING EARTH! NOOOOOOOOOO! You listen on the door to the entrance...

"With ballie out of the way I will conquer earth by invading the cities and the water supplies of the world making them pay me a fine for water! I'll be rich..."

You Want To Get out of here As Soon as Possible. It's your turn to write the Final Chapter in the Story Line..


Arrow keys or joystick move Ballie, but we recommend the numeric keypad (set NumLock to off).

4, 6, and 2 move left, right, and down. 7 jumps left, 9 jumps right. The '8' key jumps straight up.

The Longer you hold 7 and 9, The higher ballie will jump.

< Shoots Left
> Shoots Right

The Underlings Take 2 hits to destroy because of their size and because of the Dark Which Empowers Them...

Dark Octopi Take 1 Hit although they have darkness in them they are still size or physically challenged..

The 'p' picks up objects.
The 'd' key drops objects.

Items, such as hearts, increase hit points.


Ballie D. Plumber was created by with help from the following people:

Palette: The Stone's

Map: Viper

Background: The Stone's

Monster Blocks: [Azurelore Korrigan]

Monster Sequencing: Viper

Character Blocks: Viper

Character Sequencing: Viper

Sound: Viper



During the early 1990s this game was available for download from GameLynk's Frontline BBS.

Archive history[edit]

This game was introduced to the archive in c1994, through download from the Frontline BBS.


Interviews / Articles[edit]


Misc. Links[edit]
