Man Game
Release type: TBA
Latest build date: October 10, 2011
Levels: TBA
Author: Alan Caudel
Website: Dummy Duck
Related games: Man Game RPG, Man Game Stairs, Bionic ComMANd, Man Game Fire, Lighting, FallDownGoBoom
One of Alan Caudel's recent outlets for new game mechanics is his Man Game series, a series of brief levels starring an anonymous character based on Preston Blair's walk cycle figure, which serve primarily to illustrate how those game mechanics might work in context.
Here is the first entry in the series, the original Man Game. It mostly serves to set up the framework for future experiments. Here the most significant experiment is in limiting the palette to the specifications of the Nintendo Entertainment System -- a stylistic limitation that will carry through the rest of the Man Game series.
Also, minor yet significant thing: original soundtrack. There aren't many Game-Maker games with one of those.
Alan Caudel:
- Notable thing: Character death. The character turns invisible, and shoots out 2 monsters that look like the character. The character holds the invisible frames for a couple of seconds while the "monster-character" bounces off the screen kind of like Super Mario Bros.
A discussion of the precise techniques at play will follow.
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- Man Game (76 KB)