Stock tracks
These are the tracks included in the Game-Maker sample library, and used to track all of RSD's demo games. They are, therefore, the most commonly reused pieces.
- Also see: Music library
Title: "All Of Us"
Original filename: ALLOFUS.CMF
Other names: GMSONG1.CMF
Created on or before: March 12, 1990
Originally a .ROL and .CMF file by the title of "All Of Us" (i.e., ALLOFUS.CMF). In its .ROL incarnation, "All Of Us" was used as the title theme to D. Geisenhoff and MicroTech AG's 1993 shareware game 3D-Mania. Whether or not this game is the origin of the tune, or if the tune has some earlier vintage, is unclear.
Packed with Game-Maker, GMSONG1 sort of became the Super Mario Bros. overworld theme or Green Hill Zone theme of the Game-Maker world. Used in nearly every Game-Maker game in some form, often in the first level or primary area.
Known uses:[edit]
- Sample (Overworld)
- Nebula (Titles, Star map)
- Penguin Pete (Overworld, Maze 6)
- Tutor (Level 2)
- Glubada Pond (Levels 1 & 2)
- Peach the Lobster (Menu)
- The Patchwork Heart (Level 3)
- A-J's Quest (Level 1)
- A-J 2 (?)
- Sign of the Hedgehog 2 (?)
- Pac (?)
- Linear Volume (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Operation Killbot (?)
- Paper Airplane (?)
- Yuphex (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Badman (story, info, Field Zone 2, Space Zone, Football)
- Commander Xeen (?)
- Orb: The Derelict Planet (Second area)
- Space Cadet (Level 2)
- Time After Time (?)
- Reptalia (?)
- Caves (?)
- Kirk Voodia (?)
- Hi-Tech Demo (?)
- Arcade Ricky (?)
- Dummy Duck 2 (Level 1)
Title: "L'Autunno"
Original filename: AUTUMN.CMF
Created on or before: February 9, 1990
An arrangement of Vivaldi's "L'Autunno" sometimes distributed under the AUTUMN.CMF and VIVALDI3.CMF filenames. A traipsing, bucolic theme often used for laid-back, period, or natural settings. After GMSONG1, probably the most common theme.
(There is no GMSONG3 and, at least for public use, there never was.)
Known uses[edit]
- Nebula (Blue planet)
- Penguin Pete (Mazes 1 & 2, Last stage)
- Houses (Hero map)
- Clyde & Zeke (Main level)
- Glubada Pond (Level 4 & 5)
- The Patchwork Heart (Ending)
- A-J 2 (?)
- Gridline (?)
- Cireneg's Rings (?)
- Linear Volume (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Caves (?)
- Arcade Ricky (?)
- Dummy Duck 2 (Title Screen)
Title: "Theme from 'Jaws'"
Original filename: JAWS.CMF
Other names: GMSONG4.CMF
Created on or before: February 14, 1991
An arrangement of John Williams' Jaws theme, with just enough of a change in tempo and emphasis to make its origin a little uncertain. Generally used for dark and sinister moments. The bit where it switches to a childlike melody is especially unnerving. Also distributed as JAWS.CMF.
Known uses[edit]
- Pipemare (Level 1)
- Penguin Pete (Maze 3, Underwater)
- Tutor (Level 3)
- Houses (Ending)
- Glubada Pond (Level 4)
- The Patchwork Heart (Level 1)
- Cireneg's Rings (?)
- Linear Volume (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Paper Airplane (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs II (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Commander Xeen (?)
- Space Cadet (Boss level)
- Firefall (Level 1)
- Caves (?)
- Kirk Voodia (?)
- Arcade Ricky (?)
Title: "Winning"
Original filename: WINNING.CMF
Other names: GMSONG5.CMF
Created on or before: March 12, 1990
Originally distributed as WINNING.CMF. A track of uncertain origin, suggesting wonder and adventure; a wide-eyed journey into the unknown. Sometimes there's danger. Sometimes there are concepts and technologies beyond your understanding. Sometimes it's thrilling. Sometimes a little overwhelming.
Known uses[edit]
- Pipemare (Level 2)
- Penguin Pete (Maze 4)
- Tutor (Level 1)
- Houses (Biker map)
- Glubada Pond (Level 6)
- The Patchwork Heart (Level 5)
- Sign of the Hedgehog 2 (?)
- Linear Volume (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs II (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Badman (Lego Zone)
- Twinbee Land (?)
- Orb: The Derelict Planet (Opening scene, third area)
- Shanna (Level 1)
- Firefall (Ending)
- Caves (?)
- Kirk Voodia (?)
- Hi-Tech Demo (?)
- Arcade Ricky (?)
- Dummy Duck 2 (Level 2)
Title: "Beer Barrel Polka"
Original filename: BEERBARL.CMF
Other names: GMSONG6.CMF
Created on or before: January 3, 1990
An arrangement of the "Beer Barrel Polka", often used sort of interchangeably with GMSONG2. Also used for droll, sardonic, or otherwise strange moments. Originally distributed as BEERBARL.CMF.
Known uses[edit]
- Sample (Menu)
- Penguin Pete (Maze 5, Final area)
- Houses (Heroine map)
- Zark (Ending)
- Cireneg's Rings (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Operation Killbot (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Commander Xeen (?)
- Space Cadet (Ending)
- Baxter Vs. The Brain Snatching Aliens (?)
- Caves (?)
- Kirk Voodia (?)
Title: "Opening"
Original filename: OPENING.CMF
Created on or before: November 28, 1989
A brief fanfare heard at the start of many games. Its main problem is that it immediately repeats, creating a maddening DVD menu effect if you allow it to sit too long on one element. Originally distributed as OPENING.CMF. Apparently an excerpt from ZARDOZ.CMF, itself a popular piece found in many freeware and shareware games such as Zeux and Dark Ages.
Known uses[edit]
- Sample (Ending)
- Pipemare (Ending)
- Nebula (Ending)
- Penguin Pete (Menu, Ending)
- Houses (Menu)
- Terrain (Menu)
- Glubada Pond (Ending)
- The Patchwork Heart (Menu)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Blork Carnage (?)
- Orb: The Derelict Planet (Menu)
- Shanna (Menu)
- Baxter Vs. The Brain Snatching Aliens (?)
- Die Blarney! (?)
- Reptalia (?)
- Caves (?)
- Viki: Escape from Videoland (?)
- Arcade Ricky (?)
- Robo Wars (?)
Title: "Zardoz"
Original filename: ZARDOZ.CMF
Other names: GMZARDOZ.CMF
Created on or before: November 28, 1989
This track was memorably used in Apogee's Dark Ages and Alexis Janson's MegaZeux predecessor, Labrynth of Zeux [sic] -- though it predates either of those. Any relation to the Sean Connery sci-fi spectacle remains unclear. This theme begins with the famous GMOPENIN fanfare, and then transitions into a dark, contemplative, medium-tempo yet driving traveling music, calling to mind dungeon exploration with a mission.
Known uses[edit]
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Badman II (?)
- Blork Carnage (?)
- Barracuda (Main map, Wrecks 1 & 4)
- Firefall (Menu)
Title: "Dark Moon"
Original filename: DARKMOON.CMF
Created on or before: February 9, 1990
This also was used in Labrynth of Zeux, though again predates it. Another dark, contemplative piece. Tense, prickly. A bit mechanical-sounding. Music for bravely wandering into places where you really don't belong. Often used for moments involving concentration, focus, or determination. When this music appears, that's when things get serious.
Known uses[edit]
- Zark (?)
- A-J 3 (?)
- Friction (?)
- Gridline (?)
- Explorer Jacko (?)
- Yuphex (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs II (?)
- Barracuda (Wreck 2)
- Firefall (Level 2)
Title: "Railroad"
Original filename: RAILROAD.CMF
Other names: GMRAILRO.CMF
Created on or before: December 22, 1989
A moody minor-key piece with percussive, driving piano, originally distributed as RAILROAD.CMF. Tense, a bit mournful, and old-fashioned sounding.
Known uses[edit]
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Pengo Adventure (?)
- Barracuda (Submarine levels)
Title: "Moonlight Sonata"
Original filename: MOONLITE.CMF
Other names: GMMOONLT.CMF
Created on or before: December 22, 1989
An arrangement of Bethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14, aka The Moonlight Sonata. Often used for water levels, for some reason. Also distinguished as one of the few stock tracks not to contain an awkward loop within the first two minutes. A player might finish a whole level before the track finishes.
Known uses[edit]
- Operation Killbot (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs! (?)
- Invasion of the Blobs II (?)
- Luigi's Heroic Debut! (?)
- Barracuda (Wreck 3)
- Firefall (Story, Game Over)
Title: "Demo"
Listen now: File:Demo.mp3
Original filename: GMDEMO.CMF
Other names:
Created on or before:
A whole bunch of FM-based sound effects!
Known uses[edit]
- Builder (Level Two)